Some Important Tips:
- Vegetables & fruits r great source of dietary fiber. We need dietary fiber in our daily diet. It helps us not getting constipated. Additionally, it has other health benefits such as lowering cholesterol level, regulating glucose level & reducing the risk of cardiac problems. Remember it as an important ingredient of healthy eating tips.
- Don't eat or drink large amounts b4 bedtime. Eat a light dinner at least 2 hours b4 sleeping. If u're prone to heartburn, avoid spicy or fatty foods, which can make ur heartburn flare & prevent a restful sleep. Also, limit how much u drink b4 bed. Too much liquid can cause you to wake up repeatedly during the night for trips to the toilet.
- Most of us feel heavy & tired only because of our mind. Mind is the cause of all diseases.we need to refresh us and need to do exercise regularly.
- Eat 2-3 fruits a day. Get minimum 8 hours of sleep. Take long walks. A healthy lifestyle & regular skin care will prevent effects of ageing. Maintain strict timings on your sleep. Ensure that u go to sleep & get up at same time everyday. Will help ur mind & body 2 regularise sleep.
- Breakfast like KING, Lunch like Prince & Dinner like PAUPER. Keep ur dinner very light, avoid fat products.
- If you r depressed or stressed eat a banana. It contains special protein that can make you relax, improve your mood & make u feel happier.
- Be positive. It heals the body & mind. Do not miss out on fruits. Eat organic food. Drink plenty of water.
- The juice of carrot and tomato, mixed with a little honey is good tonic.
- Avoid constipation by eating fruits, vegetables, drink plenty of water & exercise. Banana really helps in curbing acidity.
- Do not gamble with your health, ask your doctor before popping a pill. Self medication & taking over-the-counter drugs can be dangerous.
- Give your brain some quite time. Adequate sleep makes you smarter. Too little sleep leads to bad performance & mood disorders.
- Cauliflower offers cancer fighting benefits. Potatoes r good source of vitamin C. Garlic, onions build immunity & fight colon cancer.
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